Dennis Burton, Ph.D.
Dennis Burton is the Chair and Professor in the Department of Immunology and
Microbiology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA. He was recently
awarded the James and Jessie Minor Chair in Immunology. He received his B.A.
in Chemistry from Oxford University and his Ph.D from Lund University, Sweden
in physical biochemistry. He is the Scientific Director of the International AIDS
Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) Neutralizing Antibody Consortium and Neutralizing
Antibody Center, Director of The Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology and
Immunogen Discovery (CHAVI-ID) at Scripps, and a member of the Ragon
Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard, Boston, USA. He has held many research
grants from the NIH and has published more than 400 papers in scientific
journals. He has received numerous awards including the Jenner Fellowship of
the Lister Institute and a Fellowship in the American Academy of Microbiology.
His research is focused on infectious disease, in particular the interplay of
antibodies and highly mutable viruses, notably HIV. He is interested in the
potential of broadly neutralizing antibodies to inform vaccine design.